September 05, 2005

Full Block Letter Style

111 Any Street -- San Francisco, CA 94118 -- (415) 221-1212

May 22, 2005

John Smith
XYZ Company
123 Anything Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94115

Dear Mr. Smith:

Blah blah blah. With the full- blocked letter style each paragraph begins at the left
margin.. Some more important information continues in the first paragraph for two to
four sentences.

Blah blah blah. Between paragraphs there is additional line space indicating a new
paragraph. The date of composition, receiver’s address, complimentary close, sender’s
name, and sender's title, and additional information are also left aligned. This makes this
letter style the easiest to format.

Sincerely yours,

Terry D. Sender

Terry D. Sender
Project Manager

CC: A. Receiver, B. Receiver