September 05, 2005

BComm Text Resources

  • Guide to Avoiding Plagiarism (pdf)
    Use this concise four-page handout to help prevent problems with plagiarism. In taking a positive step to educate student on why crediting sources is necessary and to give examples of what is appropriate, you will spare yourself and yours students much grief over this later. In addition to handing it out, you may want to make it available to them on Blackboard, WebCT, or a class website.
  • Diagnostic Test of Correctness (Word)
    This diagnostic handout is identical to the one found in the text at the end ( p. 494) of Chapter 17 on Correctness. One might want to use it in class during the first week to learn where students correctness skills start. The answers appear in Appendix A (p. 552)
  • Oral Presentation Evaluation Form (MS Word) (pdf)
    This handy form can be used as is or modified for your needs to evaluate individual oral presentations.